Ha. Okay so I don't really need anyone right now, I just needed a title and it happens to be a quarter after one as I begin this new blog post which is very much long overdue. I'm not really going to get into anything considering I have church tomorrow morning and need as much sleep as I can manage. Sooo school has begun again! I am taking 7 classes (gasppp! I know.) and three of them are science-based. Bleh. Well, four if you count weight training since it does have to do with the body. Anyway, so I have classes and lots of homework to keep myself busy, along with awesome roommates who like to do yoga and cook meals with me. It's so funnnn! Last night we all went to eat to mac grill then went and saw "Salt". It was a good action movie, but a bad movie in all. This morning we slept in, had a pancake breakfast with another girl from our apartment, did some yoga (very new to me but kind of nice), met some guys in our apartment, then went to Sundance with Audrey and Claire. I had never been there, and was so pretty!! The leaves haven't begun changing yet but it didn't change the fact that it was gorgeous. We went grocery shopping at ol' macey's then came back to the apartment. After putting away our food and re-arranging our furniture, we had Erin come over and we watched Serindiputy. It's a cute movie. Then I read some "Nightlight", a parody of "Twilight" by the Harvard Lampoon, to the girls because they like it. Now I'm writing this. So it was a very eventful week with school starting and it was nice to relax this weekend. Monday is ALL work, unfortunately enough. Love yall! I'll post sooner then later.
Love always,
Devan Rose